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Additional Resources
Some events may be subject to a labor charge (evenings, weekends and holidays).
Any event on a holiday will be subject to a holiday labor charge.
All events booked using institutional funds must be approved prior to the services being provided. An event cannot be delivered without prior approval.
The Catering Department will provide services to any event that is Health Center related. Payments are accepted with FOAPAL coding (Must provide administrative approval prior to delivery), cash, check, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX or Visa. Please make checks out to "XXXX". Outside groups or organizations need authorization by room scheduling in order to hold meetings on Health Center property. All payments must be made prior to the event.
All catered events need 48 hours notice.
Please notify us immediately if your event is canceled. Any food that has already been prepared will be charged.
All events will be charged a 10% administrative fee up to a maximum charge of $100.
For online access, please go to and click on the "Faculty & Staff" link in the top navigation bar, then click on the "Food & Nutrition Services" link.
All events requiring additional labor will receive a charge for the labor. The charge will depend on the number of staff needed as well as the skill level of the staff.
Linen and China will be charged at the following rate:
Replacement cost is a pass through to client at three times the cost of the item.
Linen tablecloth provided free of charge for serving tables and registration table only. Extra linen is available for $5.00 each.
Note: China is not recommended for any event outside of the main building.
All beverages delivered to any building outside of the main building need to be individual. We cannot safely transport pitchers of any beverage and this includes water.
China is not readily available. Please see catering manager in regards to this.
Hot food is not recommended due to potential temperature and quality issues.
Please ensure pick-up time is accurate.
No event will be picked up while the event is in progress unless otherwise specified.
Any missing serving items at time of pick-up will be charged to the function coding.
Please allow a minimum of 30-45 minutes prior to set-up time when booking the room. This time depends on how extensive the event is. If unsure, please consult with the catering manager.
Please book room for event, including the cafeteria, through Facilities at ext. 2127.
All tables and chairs, and trash cans being set up or removed for the event need to be booked through Facilites at ext. 2127.
Room set-up form should be faxed to both Facilities (8710) and the Catering Department (4831).
Wine is not served to guests but can be pre-poured and set up at the bar.
Any bottles of wine requested to be opened cannot be returned and the event will need to be charged the cost. The recommendation, after the initial bar set up, would be to open bottles as needed. A corkscrew will be provided.
When a keg is ordered, the event will be charged for the entire keg. We cannot give a credit for any beer not used.
Catering cost services can be broadly divided into two categories: (1) Standing Meeting or (2) Special Event.
Standing Meetings are defined as departmental, executive or committee meeting which occur on a regularly schedule basis (e.g., weekly, monthly, and quarterly). For Standing Meetings, the procedures are:
Special Events, including those involving external groups, are defined as either an annual event (e.g., Major Recruitment, Farewell Reception, Symposia). For many special events, the provision of food/beverage is appropriate. However, we need to reduce the cost of these events. For Special Events, the new procedure is that: